Katie was home on spring break last week. I am so grateful that this is where she chose to be while many of her friends opted for sunny climates and carefree, parent-less adventures (and who could blame them?).
The week with my girl went by way too
fast, and I want her back.
I want her back so that we can savor the many, many
good times and stretch every awesome second out of them, but I also want her back so that I can
pull out my handy little wite-out pen and smooth over the few bumpy parts of
our week. The times when I said the wrong thing (or just said it one time too
many), or when my exasperation about her way of doing something (read between
the lines…not my way) came through loud and clear. I hate those moments. I am immediately filled
with regret, even when I know that many, probably most, of the things I say are
things that she needs to hear.
These moments, the good and the bad, happen every day in
every kitchen of every mom that I know. We do the best we can in that moment,
but sometimes we really miss the mark.
I am a mom who
apologizes. If I get myself all worked up over an issue, or situation or
teenage eye roll and then something harsh, or less kind than I intended comes out of
my mouth, I will apologize. But I expect the same in return when it’s my child with
the fresh tone, or snarky comment, or utter disregard for everything I’m doing
(luckily this last one is rare). I will also apologize is I find out after the
fact that I was wrong about something; a situation, a friend, or even just a
trivial fact that I was so sure was correct. Again, I hold the kids to the same
standard, with me, and with the other people in their lives. It’s a good
balance, a give and take, and it works for us.
I am also a mom that speaks her mind. I can’t help it. The
words are out before I can stop them. If you ask for my opinion, I will gladly
give it. The trouble often comes when the opinion is out there and no one even
asked for it. I was out last night with a bunch
of really great ladies (subbing at Bunco – so much fun). One mom, whom I adore and wish I knew better, was
talking about biting her tongue and not giving her opinion to her 21 year old
daughter about a boy that the daughter really likes. I can understand trying to
bite your tongue if you think it’s a mistake, or if the boy is no good, but
this mom would like nothing better than for her daughter to give this boy and
this relationship a chance. I would NEVER be able to keep that to myself. Truly. I
know I should really try, and that one day my kids may have to silence me with
a big, fat “butt out”, but it is just so hard.
So I say all this because these types of things are what make
up the fabric of our family. It is the flawed and beautiful story of our lives,
our collective memory, where we weave our relationships together built on
mutual respect, give and take, good times, bad times, lessons learned, tears of
sorrow and sadness and tears of laughter and pure joy shared together. Sometimes I say the right thing -- sometimes I don't. I like to believe that at the end of any given
week, there is far more good than bad, far more talking and sharing and hugging
and texting with little happy, kissing, smiley face emoticons (I really love
getting those!) than harsh words, loud silences and hurt feelings. And I really
do believe that on balance we err really far on the side of the good stuff. We are very lucky. If one week
is bad, or particularly hard, the next brings just the right amount of joy and
laughter to fill the gap of the week before. I guess that’s how life works. One
foot in front of another. Tomorrow is another day. Sunday starts another week.
All of this brings me back to Katie’s spring break. With
only one week together, I always wish for everything to be perfect. But it can’t
be. I’m not perfect. She’s not perfect (although, she’s close…insert kissing,
smiley face emoticon here!). I hope she got off the plane and headed back to
her dorm filled with a week full of good memories. I hope that she too used her little wite-out pen to smudge out our less than perfect moments. And I hope above all, that she returned to school with the
overwhelming sense that her mom loves her with everything she has and
everything she is. Because I do.
Here are some of the highlights of our week...
Cole picked Katie up at the airport and drove her straight to Abbey's performance of Dear Edwina. It was a complete and very happy surprise for Abbey, who thought that Katie would not see the show until the next day.
This is one very proud big sister. Katie performed on this very stage for three years and is thrilled beyond belief to see her sister on it.
So, so proud of my little Periwinkle
Katie, Cole and I had a road trip to the DC area for a few doctors appointments. Cole has some upcoming sinus surgery and needed an evaluation, and Katie had her very final appointment, after two plus years, with her completely amazing maxillofacial surgeon. She had very extensive jaw surgery (orthognathic surgery) last June, something I will write about soon, when I can work up enough courage.
While this may not sound like a highlight, it actually was. We absolutely LOVE Katie's doctor and his entire staff, so it was great to see them. We also squeezed in some really fun shopping at Banana Republic -- my favorite store these days! The bad part is, I think it is now Cole's favorite store too. Oops, I created this monster! But it was really a highlight because Katie and I had Cole in the car for a total of almost 8 hours that day. That much time with Cole almost never happens. He was funny, and fun and just a joy to be with, but he is a very social creature and does not spend a great deal of time at home with us these days. We laughed and talked and listened to a few episodes of This American Life (one of my very favorite things) through the magic of the iPod. We capped off the drive home with a stop at the Maryland House rest stop. Katie and I opted for our favorite road trip food, Nathan's Hot Dogs. Cole went off the board with this...
It was some sort of Fried Seafood Extravaganza. Not what I would choose at a rest stop. Katie and I were skeptical, but Cole proclaimed it the best rest stop food ever!
Katie and I had planned a trip into NYC to pick up some dance shoes that had been a Christmas gift. We knew we would see a show while we were there. Katie decided to invite Abbey along on her "mom day", so we pulled Abbey our of school and went to see...
It was spectacular! We had such an amazing time! The children in the cast were phenomenal. We actually got to talk to them after the show while we were all waiting for our cars in the parking garage. They were so sweet and little, and their smiles beamed from ear to ear. My girls were thrilled.
Abbey in Time Square
Bad iPhone pictures -- but very happy girls. We got home very late, and Abbey was really tired the next day, but it was soooo worth it.
All of this fun AND my first born turned twenty while she was home. Happy birthday, Katie. It was a good week.